Access Keys:

St Columba's Primary School, Newbuildings Derry

Reminder - Forest School Trip - Thursday 18th May 2023

17th May 2023

Reminder to parents - All children will be going on a Forest School Trip to Prehen Woods tomorrow.  Our local Environmentalist, George McLaughlin, will lead us in exploring the Woods and finding out about its history. Children should wear:

St. Columba's PE uniform-

*Long sleeves and tracksuit bottoms or leggings-no shorts.

*Change of shoes suitable for walking in the woods (old trainers/wellies).

*Please ensure each child has a coat in case it is raining.

This trip will take place in the morning so all children will be back in school in time for lunch. 

Many thanks to the generous person who is providing the transport for our school to have this lovely experience.