Access Keys:

St Columba's Primary School, Newbuildings Derry

End of Year Trip Friday 16th June 2023

6th Jun 2023

School Trip Friday 16th June 2023.  All children Reception – P7

The children will be getting the train to Portrush for a day at the beach.  Children should wear shoes appropriate for walking (no sandals) and clothes appropriate for the weather.

Cost of the trip is £10 to include train to Portrush and ice-creams and treats at the beach.  Please send payment in an envelope with your child's name before Monday 12th June 2023.  

All children should bring a packed lunch.  Packed lunches will be provided for those children entitled to FSM.

We will NOT be going to the amusements but children can bring some money (£5 maximum) if they wish to buy some treats on the day.  

We hope the weather stays nice but will ensure the children have lots of fun on our school train trip adventure.